Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wake Up and Smell the Jesus!

O.K. Before you bust my chops for the above title -- I saw it on a t-shirt, somebody's blog or somewhere else (actually a young man's myspace page) and thought I would share my "find" here on my blog from the 'burbs.

I also found this great quote... I'm not asleep... but that doesn't mean I'm awake. ~Author Unknown

This past Sunday we kicked-off "AWAKENING" at Cornerstone -- featuring 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. The Message that I shared was "Awakening to Destiny." When Jesus died and was buried, the disciples went their own way. However, 3 days later, when Jesus arose -- the disciples "awakened." They awakened to what they were called and chosen to do. They awakened to their purpose. They awakened to their destiny and, as a result, changed the world.

As followers of Christ, it is easy to fall into the rut that Jesus' disciples found themselves in post-Calvary and pre-resurrection. It is not difficult to lose focus, excitement and commitment concerning our Christianity. We can be lulled to sleep. With that in mind, we are beginning 2009 with a commitment to a spiritual awakening.

What Needs Awakened?

1) Awakening the Purpose.
The Disciples awakened to the fact that their lives would never be the same again. They had been given PURPOSE – A Reason for Living – A Vision of what they were here for and that they were called by Christ to do! We are here for a reason. We need to wake-up to God's purpose for our lives.

2) Awakening the Passion.

Old-Hat and status quo were immediately replaced by an awakened passion that propelled their calling and purpose! As Paul told his son in the faith, “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…” (2 Timothy 1:6) -- we need to stir-up or awaken the passion for God and his work within us.

3) Awakening the Power.
Jesus told his disciples, “I give you authority... over all the power of the enemy!”
(Luke 10:19) Jesus also promised them; “You shall receive power…” (Acts 1:8). They had to awaken to the Power of God that fuels the Passion for God that drives the Purpose of God. The kingdom of God is not about words, but about power!

Through the end of January, this is the focus and theme of Cornerstone Christian Center. Fortunately, we are not going it alone -- we are joining with churches across America and around the world that are also spending these 21 days praying and fasting for a global "God-Awakening." Fasting, Praying & Believing... Let’s have an Awakening in 2009!

The Alarm Clock is Ringing!

Dale Carnegie said; “Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake!” Now is the time. Today is the day. Shake yourself awake!
Wake up and smell the Jesus!

“…when they awoke fully, they saw the glory of Jesus”
–Luke 9:32

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