Sunday, March 2, 2008
It is almost midnight here in India. Actually anywhere in India, because the whole big country has concluded that they should have only one time zone. Since it is midnight here that means Sunday morning church is going on at home. I am praying for the service and for my beautiful wife, Karlene, to be mightily used by God in my absence. I’m sure that she will do well. To the Cornerstone family; I hope you enjoyed the video that I threw together today that you watched this morning. Now that really sounds weird. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of India through my eyes, just as we are doing here with my words.
Today, I preached the second half of a double-header at Pastor Prem’s church, Spirit and Life Temple. His church is probably the largest in this district (we would call it county).
We had a great move of God in the service. Dozens of people wanted me to pray for them and, of course, I obliged. People come to me by the scores, wanting me to bless them. In fact, at the Convention I have to stay on the stage and reach down to pray for people. If I went down into the altar call crowd, I would easily get overwhelmed by people clamoring for a touch.
We had another great night tonight at the convention. A man gave his testimony of being raised from the dead. That was pretty powerful. Pastor Prem estimates that half of the crowd do not go to church. Well they sure are spiritually hungry, because the big altar area fills up fast.
Please be in prayer for me as Pastor Prem and I are taking a mission Trip tomorrow morning to some jungle villages, some 3 hours away from where I am staying. The adventure continues!
See you later…
Have a great Sunday and first of your week!
I'm on my way to church to have special prayer for you! We will definitely be praying for yours and Pastor Prems protection but also for a Mighty Move Of God in the villages you go to. I can't wait to hear the stories you'll bring back from your experiences today. I love you and praying for you!!! Love, Karlene
Hey Dad I love you and miss you to and we are all
praying for you,and when we where at churhc today everyone missed you and when you left last monday I was really upset but I am doing good now and I cant wait to hear more exciting stories from you when you come home!
You better watch out. Karlene did an awesome job today. No I'm not being partial. I even took notes. Yes, the service was awesome. I thought Cielito was going to take off and preach when she was reading her scripture today during worship. But, it's not the same without you. I think a lot of us had the feeling that you would walk through the doors at any minute. I kept looking up in the crow's nest to see if you had come in. I am praying for you and I know that God is using you in a mighty way!!!! The videos are great. Hope to see more.
Love ya - Rebeca
Feeding the elderly and the homeless after church,"Amazing" while back here at home we are more concerned about where we are going to eat!!! Now thats hospitality..... Gods blessings always.
Frank and Debbie.....
Hi Tim, Looks like God is moving! The blogs are so informative, we feel like we're there with you! We just got home from prayer meeting--prayed especially for you and Pastor Prem, also we surrounded Karlene and Darlene led prayer for her. She did great this morning, and we had a good crowd--good worship. It's a little hard for you over there because of the language barrier, but when the Holy Spirit moves, it spans that barrier. Till next time,
Love and prayers, Mom
Dear Son Timothy, we love you very much and are thankful for your India missions trip. You are in a beautiful part of the world, lots of people. Sounded like God was using you mightily, this will enlarge your ministry. God is changing lives and everyone needs prayer. Encourage the pastors you visit. praying you
have a safe journey home. love, dad
Pastor Tim,
We missed you today. But even though I miss the service because I was teaching, I heard that the service was awesome! God is preparing not only you but Pastor Karlene too for the greater things that's going to take place in CCC. I am excited to hear more about your ministry in India. Indeed it helped us see how bless we are. We will be praying for more move of the Spirit wherever you are in India. Thanks for the updates
i saw the first video on God-tube but the other one was new. very cool. it's great hearing and seeing what you're experiencing over there. it must've been so awesome seeing all those people wanting to be prayed over! the Spirit of God was at work during the worship service. you know how you can look at the congregation and know? that's how it was! people have said how inspired the worship was, and we can only atest that to the movement of the Holy Spirit. praise God! looking forward to your next "adventure"
in His hands,
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